Postdoctoral Research Position
Postdoctoral Position in Implantable Biomechatronic Muscle-Tendon Systems in Animal Models

3-minute Thesis Award
Talayah Johnson and Kavya Katugam represent at the vASB2020 3-minute Thesis Competition!

New JAP paper
Our team, led by Suzanne Cox, studied the effect of eliminating high intensity movements during growth on adult locomotor function (in a bird model).

Guinea fowl OpenSim model
Suzanne Cox and co-authors publish their guinea fowl OpenSim model.

Comparative Neuromuscular Biomechanics (CNB)
The MF+LL helps establish the CNB, a new Working Group of the International Society of Biomechanics

NCSRR Visiting Scholar
Suzanne Cox is awarded a Visiting Scholar grant to the National Center for Simulation in Rehabilitation Research (NCSRR) at Stanford University!

Students represent at ASB40
Matt Salzano, Kirsty McDonald, Brekke Green and Alberito Carvalho all did a fantastic job presenting their research as ASB40 in Raleigh! Great work!