Postdoctoral Research Position
Postdoctoral Position in Implantable Biomechatronic Muscle-Tendon Systems in Animal Models
3-minute Thesis Award
Talayah Johnson and Kavya Katugam represent at the vASB2020 3-minute Thesis Competition!
New JAP paper
Our team, led by Suzanne Cox, studied the effect of eliminating high intensity movements during growth on adult locomotor function (in a bird model).
Guinea fowl OpenSim model
Suzanne Cox and co-authors publish their guinea fowl OpenSim model.
Comparative Neuromuscular Biomechanics (CNB)
The MF+LL helps establish the CNB, a new Working Group of the International Society of Biomechanics
NCSRR Visiting Scholar
Suzanne Cox is awarded a Visiting Scholar grant to the National Center for Simulation in Rehabilitation Research (NCSRR) at Stanford University!